Net1 Tariff support contact details and response times.

Contained within the table below are Net1 Broadband’s target response times for a logged service call. These targets are what we aim to achieve for each one of our tariffs. If your current service request has exceeded this time, please ring 028 6638 1026 and choose option 4, or please e-mail with your Net1 Universal ID.

Tariff Name Service Contact Method 95% of faults repaired in
Ultra 028 66381026 (working hours) 5 Working days
Ultra Lite 028 66381026 (working hours) 7 Working days
Super 20 028 66381026 (working hours) 7 Working days
Legacy Net1 Lite / Talk / Home 028 66381026 (working hours) these packages are discontinued and are repaired on best endeavours basis
Net1 Ultra Pro or Super 20 Pro 028 66381026 (working hours) 1 Working day
Enterprise Special Tariffs Business Helpdesk (supplied) 4-12 hours

A service outage refund will only be applicable in the event that the service remains completely unavailable for a minimum continuous period of 15 working days after the fault is reported and a ticket has been raised for the repair. Where an engineer attends site or attempts to arrange an appointment but is unable to contact the customer, the continuous period will be deemed to have ended.

Any refund due will be calculated on a pro-rata basis of your applicable monthly tariff fee in respect of the continuous outage period.